What Can Recreation Therapy Do for Your Family Member?
Learning new skills can be tough for someone with developmental disabilities but experimenting with a variety of teaching methods can be incredibly helpful. One type of tool, recreation therapy, teaches a host of different skills through play and fun. This can help these types of skills to “stick” more easily in your family member’s repertoire, too, which is incredibly important for retaining those skills to use them in multiple situations.
Improve Attention Span and Coordination
Activities that deal with skills like eye/hand coordination and attention span difficulties can sometimes be boring and can cause people who need to develop those skills to feel frustrated more easily. By practicing those skills through games, fun activities, and play your family member is able to learn those skills while primarily having fun. The activity itself takes the front seat and the actual learning is accomplished without as much effort and frustration.
Teach Coping Abilities
It’s often a lot easier to see how to apply coping skills when using those skills actively. Recreation therapy offers your family member a chance to try out different coping skills and to see how they work in a real-world way. This can help those skills to be much easier to access when your family member needs them later, especially as she gains even more skills.
Learning Activities Related to Play and Leisure
Sometimes it’s more difficult in general for your family member to lean into play. There may be physical disabilities that make play more painful or complicated and that’s a big difficulty to overcome. Recreation therapy removes a lot of the restrictions and can allow your family member to feel more capable of adapting certain activities to her needs. That can be beneficial elsewhere, too.
Gaining Life Skills Related to Community
Interacting with other people and functioning within social boundaries is sometimes tricky to learn. It’s also not necessarily a “classroom” type of activity. Recreation therapy allows your elderly family member to learn those lessons in a more natural environment and then apply them elsewhere. Again, there’s a lot of pressure removed because of the atmosphere in which the skills are learned.
Residential habilitation services offer tools like recreation therapy to assist people with developmental disabilities as they strive to achieve their goals. This type of therapy is a low-pressure way to gain valuable skills that lead to positive results much more quickly than participants sometimes expect.
If you are considering residential habilitation in Speedway, IN, please call the caring staff at RSI Cares. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: 317-471-0750.
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