Let Residential Habilitation Services Bring Independence to Your Child With Down Syndrome

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Residential Habilitation in Zionsville IN

It’s Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Some fetuses develop with an extra partial or full copy of a specific chromosome. When that happens, the infant develops Down syndrome. It affects about one out of every 700 babies born in the U.S.

Every child with Down syndrome has unique strengths and weaknesses. Some may have poor muscle tone, while others are just as strong as you are. Life expectancy used to be about 25 in the 1980s, but today most people with Down syndrome live into their 60s.

Would your adult child benefit from residential habilitation services? It’s one of the best ways to help your child be independent while having the help needed with daily routines. Here’s how to find the right residential habilitation services.

What Are the Goals?

What is the overall goal? Does your adult child have a new job and need someone to assist with getting ready, navigating public transportation, and get to work on time? Your child wants to go to college, but some support in classes and getting around the campus is important if your child will thrive in a college setting.

Talk to your child about the goals. This helps narrow down the services that are essential and others that may not be necessary.

Create a Personalized Care Plan With the Specialist

Sit down and discuss the care needs your child has in their home. Some adults with down syndrome may need help with personal care, while others do not. Some adults require an aide with them during a day at work or college.

The need for care may extend outside of normal hours. An adult with down syndrome may live in dorms and need help getting ready for bed. There may be a college dance or social event where an aide’s help is required for the adult to attend. With 24-hour residential habilitation and support services, that help is there when it’s needed.

Go over the care that’s needed and work with the specialist to create a comprehensive care plan that covers your child’s needs throughout the day and night. Once the care plan is designed, you can discuss prices and how it works.

Not everyone with Down syndrome experiences cognitive or intellectual issues. They’re active in school, hold jobs, and can be part of the decision-making process for any care they need. When they need a helping hand, residential habilitation is a great service. Call an expert in residential habilitation care to make arrangements.


If you are considering residential habilitation in Zionsville, IN, please call the caring staff at RSI Cares. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: 317-471-0750.

Etelka Froymovich